
The Toledo Area’s Leading Home Waterproofing Installer

Williams Concrete Solutions is one of Toledo’s leading waterproofing companies, with a long history of providing excellent service using only the highest quality waterproofing materials and the latest in waterproofing and drainage technology. We’ve made a reputation for providing the very best in waterproofing for newly constructed homes throughout Ohio. We provide Toledo’s most complete home waterproofing services, and work directly with builders, contractors and new home buyers to keep their investment safe from water damage and flooding.

Your home is your sanctuary, a place to feel safe and know that your family and possessions are safe as well. Nothing can upset that security faster than coming home to a basement full of water, and flood damage to your things and foundation. Protect your house and the things you love with Water-Tite’s state of the art waterproofing system, including an application directly to your new home’s foundation to keep water out and away from your new foundation.

Call us today to find out how we can keep your new Ohio home safe from flooding and water damage with our waterproofing system for new homes. We can keep your foundation free of water damage and your basement safe and dry for the entire life of your home.